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Product details
File Size: 28810 KB
Print Length: 456 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Sams Publishing; 8 edition (December 10, 2009)
Publication Date: December 10, 2009
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,317,687 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I know that my site isn't going to win the WEB-E awards, but it has graphics, audio files, tables, photoshopped pictures and is something I was completely incapable of doing before I picked up this book. I had been thinking of taking college courses because I wanted to get into the web world and it seemed inaccessible. I majored in Cultural Anthropology, so I'm a bit behind the technology wave.The sites I created were creationsbycrouch and huknowsphotography so far.It isn't accessible any more. My sites are up and I've offered to make more sites for friends. I grow and learn daily and I'm having fun! I bought this book originally in kindle, which I like because I can listen to it with the text-to-speech function while I'm working out in the gym. The ideas kind of swim in my brain, but I found that when I was actually sitting by the computer, it helped to have a real paper version, so I bought a second copy of the book.Simply put -- I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!I also bought Flexible Web Design and Teach Yourself PHP and MySQL. The Flexible Web Design Book is awesome! My sites now scale from wide screen to tiny! I haven't started down the PHP path yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
If you have never seen HTML before this book would be an excellent place to start. It starts from the very basics and assumes you know nothing. The subjects are broken up in chunks meant to be consumed in one hour lessons. I found that I could get through a lesson in more like 15 to 20 minutes.If you are looking for an HTML and CSS reference, this isn't the place. However, the book points out a Web site that is a wonderful reference because it is easy to find a tag or command you are looking for through the links. And this site has examples you can play with live, which is a great learning experience.The book would have worked better stand-alone if it had come with a CD of some ready-made examples to play with instead of having to type them in from the lising in the book. However, with the Web site mentioned above you have the whole package for learning.
I didn't know any significant HTML prior to using this book. This book is a great starting point and will give anyone enough background to put up a pretty good page. I feel like I have gotten a good grasp of HTML from this book and now feel like I should branch out into Javascript to develop my pages further.Oliver & Morrison offered good advice on what to do and what not to do when designing a webpage, and they also explained why they make those suggestions, which certainly assists in making later judgement calls on topics they don't directly address.I would also recommend O'Reilly's HTML/XHTML book, which has come in handy in clarifying a few points. However, this book is sufficient for anyone looking to put up realatively simple pages and is easier as an introduction (and more motivating) than O'Reilly's book. That is, buy this book first and buy O'Reilly's book if you have a desire to learn more about HTML.
I purchased this book with the idea that I would need it for a job that I was employed with. But that didn't work out. However I could see that it would be a good book for someone who could use it for that purpose. Otherwise I was not able to get must use from this book.
While this book is no doubt really great, I am appending a quick comment to my prior review (below):This book only covers HTML 4 and CSS 2. With the updating of the standards, you may want to try looking for a book covering HTML 5 and CSS 3, like this one:HTML5 and CSS3, Illustrated Complete (Illustrated (Course Technology))I don't want to say anything bad about the book, other than that in 2012 or beyond you might want to be looking for something to learn from that's a lot more updated.I didn't realize this when I read the book this past week, and I still am glad I did, but I also realize I'm going to need some updating. Personally, I'll be reading the following to catch up:HTML5 & CSS3 For The Real WorldHow on to my review...****************************************************This book is great as a learning tool and is meant to be a reference after the fact as well. Oddly enough, the latter fact is what those who don't like the book are unhappy about.In short, while the lessons somewhat build on each other, they still remain in many ways independent of each other as well, and I consider that a good thing.While there are plenty of examples, there's not a continual building up of a single site, and while many consider that a bad thing, I actually prefer that. I've read books with a site that is built with each new lesson, and the problem is that you tend to be lost if you come back a couple months later and basically have to start over.However, this book allows the chapters to be independent of each other and simply refer to "future" and "past" chapters (for further study and refreshing after you've finished the book). As a result, it's not a one-time read but something you can refer back to and simply read the chapter you're unclear about, and refresh on any related chapters as well, without having to reread the whole thing to understand all the moving parts.I would say, however, that it is advisable to read the whole book before you start creating your website. The reason is that later chapters give more professional options to the more basic and older options presented in the earlier chapters. For example, early in the book he mentions tables, frames and lists, but he shows how these are really not the best of options when you compare it with the choices you have in CSS in the more advanced chapters, or at least how to use them in a much more professional manner.One of the things I liked best was that the author spent a lot of time focusing on writing modern, compliant code. He explains the history of HTML and why using compliant code is important if you want your websites to be functioning properly for many years to come given the new XML standards. Throughout the book he explains what is and is not compliant code, so you're not in the dark about what you're seeing when you're reading the source code of other websites.He also spends a lot of time discussing the pros and cons of different approaches, which is helpful because he's not pointing you in one direction but instead providing you the foundation for determine what might work best in different situations.Also, I should note that there is some basic Javascript at the end of the book, though clearly it's not sufficient if you're going to be doing any serious programming.In summary, I'd say that if this is your first book to read as a starter in web design, and you want something you can refer to for many months or years to come after you've spent the time it takes to read it, you've made a great selection.
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